(Ali Adams, Cardiff, Wales, Unitrd Kingdom (Issue 1, Paper 6, PP 78-93
Surat Alhadeed (57)’s Pivotal Role
الإثنين، 13 إبريل 2015 - 0:0
We show why surat Alhadeed is a pivotal sura when sura numbers are weighed by the number of their ayas. Sura Alhadeed has a multiplication value of 1653. The 16th prime is 53. The weighted value 1653 is the median of all sura multiplications. When the weighted values are ordered in ascending or descending order, sura Alhadeed still does not change position because sura Ala’ala (87) has the same weighted value, 1653 and that prevents sura Alhadeed from falling into position 58 when sorting in descending order.
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